
Video Marketing [Secret Sauce]

create a relationship with customers

Marketing is about relationships plain and simple.
Finding ways to harness those relationships and nurture them is the next step and we can help you!

Give us 15 minutes per month and we will do the rest!

Each month we set aside 1 hour with you for a question and answer session.
We then take the video and work our magic!  We edit, optimize and brand it before we promote it.

We build your Vlog (video blog)

We collect all your current email databases

We match your brand on social media

We write the blogs that go with the videos

We send your videos for you

We edit and brand your videos

We post your video on YouTube and Facebook

We can advertise your video on Facebook

We optimize everything for search engines

the list goes on...

30 day Setup For Success

$ 1,995 / one time fee
  • Initial on boarding call to get to know you
  • We create a blog specifically for your videos
  • Form for email capture
  • HD Logitech Webcam, Yeti Blue Microphone & Ring Light
  • Gather, clean and reconnect with your email lists
  • Brand your social media accounts

Monthly Marketing Done Right!

$ 550 / per month
  • Monthly interview with you on two topics or questions
  • 2 Videos Edited professionally (completely branded!)
  • 2 Articles written based on your interview (your words!)
  • 2 Blog posts added to your new blog site
  • 2 Email campaigns sent with videos and articles
  • Videos loaded to social media accounts
  • Videos and posts sent to the list

Not quite ready? That's ok...join our list and see it in action!

Increasing revenue through today's not-so-traditional marketing

Video Marketing | Brand Identity Awareness | Lead Generation

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